Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Introducing me...

My name is Possum. My Mum and Dad found me in the gutter about a week ago. I was really scared and hungry but I'm feeling much better now. I have a nice round tummy and my new Mummy and Daddy give me lots of pats and cuddles and they always pay attention when I do my biggest squeaky meow.

I had to go to a scary place today where a lady put a big needle in my side and put a scratchy tablet in my mouth and made me swallow it. It was a strange thing to do to a poor little kitten who has already had a rough time on the streets. It was okay in the end though, my Mum said I was a good girl and put me back in a box and took me home.

I've had lots of visitors since moving into my new place. I know they are visiting me because they spend the whole time trying to play with me and talk to me in a funny voice and point the little flashing box thing at me. They don't talk to my Mum and Dad at all!

I have a new bedroom now because Mum and Dad took my old one away when I pooed in it. I 'm glad they've realised I didn't like it very much. It's not very hard to get them to understand how I'm feeling.


Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, Possum, and on behalf of the West Hobart Tigers, welcome to West Hobart! I used to live in your street. An oldcat I know called Misty used to live in your house. My mum and dad know your mum and dad. Kate thinks you've really landed on your paws finding those guys. Well done!

The flashing box sucks, doesn't it? Hard to believe, but it means they like you. Hey, are you registered with the SFFL yet? We at the Tigers might be interested in picking you up in our rookie draft.

Possum said...

Thanks Mr Pablo. I like my new house in West Hobart (and my new mum and dad). It's amazing that you knew a cat who lived here! I wonder why Mrs. Misty was allowed to live here but I'm not-? Mum says it has more to do with the agent than the owner and when she says it she sounds like she is going to growl. (I wonder if she is going to have a cat-fight with the agent lady...?)

I don't know what SFFL is but it sounds fun!