Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sick Cats

My mum's friend has posted some funny pictures @ sickcats.blogspot.com ... but some of you kittens may need to put your paws over your eyes for one of them cos it has a swear word in it. (Sorry, I dunno how to make a link but hey i'm only three and a half months old!)


Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Yep, (a bit)rude, but hella funny! should do the trick!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Ok, so my link didn't work. Try this one

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Yippee! It worked! I'm 7 years old, Possum, and I can still only kinda do them...

Phoebe said...

Some people have thought that I am bulemic, but I'm not. I just have a sensitive tummy.

The Borg said...

That's what they all say Phoebe.

Possum, thanks for the Word from such a young cat!