Sunday, January 21, 2007

More Pics of Me!

I know this blog is all about me so far. I've been meaning to talk about social issues and important stuff but i don't really know what social issues are yet and I haven't ever really left the house so my resources are a bit limited.

So, anyway, my mum wanted me to post these pictures of myself. I'm having a nap... (ok, ok, I am friends with my toy mouse. How embarrasing).

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Relaxing at home

Here's a pic of me relaxing around the house. I quite like exploring the garden outside but it can get a little bit scary so I'm just hanging around the back door til I get used to it. There's heaps of fun stuff to do out here tho. Like I've been practicing my climbing skills getting up trees. I'm pretty good at getting up but it's kinda tricky getting back down again.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

The Big Day

Yes, today is the day that Mum is going to ask the owner of the house if I can stay here, even though he has a No Pets policy.

Please say a little prayer for me!

Thursday, January 4, 2007

No Pets Allowed

Mum finally got to ask the real estate lady if she is allowed to keep me. The agent said "NO". Apparently a dog wrecked one of the landlord's properties in the past and since then there has been a No Pets policy.

I don't understand why I'm getting punished for something a big dog with naughty owners did before I was born but it doesn't seem very fair.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Introducing me...

My name is Possum. My Mum and Dad found me in the gutter about a week ago. I was really scared and hungry but I'm feeling much better now. I have a nice round tummy and my new Mummy and Daddy give me lots of pats and cuddles and they always pay attention when I do my biggest squeaky meow.

I had to go to a scary place today where a lady put a big needle in my side and put a scratchy tablet in my mouth and made me swallow it. It was a strange thing to do to a poor little kitten who has already had a rough time on the streets. It was okay in the end though, my Mum said I was a good girl and put me back in a box and took me home.

I've had lots of visitors since moving into my new place. I know they are visiting me because they spend the whole time trying to play with me and talk to me in a funny voice and point the little flashing box thing at me. They don't talk to my Mum and Dad at all!

I have a new bedroom now because Mum and Dad took my old one away when I pooed in it. I 'm glad they've realised I didn't like it very much. It's not very hard to get them to understand how I'm feeling.